【Y先生のコメント】 昨年度新設の中学1年生Gコースの担任をさせていただきました。ネイティブの先生との担任二人制で朝のHRから英語に触れる機会を設けているため、生徒はみな、臆することなく英語を使うことができています。 また、何事にも元気いっぱいの全力投球で、教室はキラキラと輝く笑顔であふれていました。この1年だけでも、語学力のみならず様々な場面で成長を間近で見ることができました。 そんな生徒たちから、私はいつもパワーをもらっていました。Gコースでは、イマージョン教育を始めとして英語に触れる機会が多く、英語を語学としてだけでなくコミュニケーションツールとして活用しており、地域のインターナショナルスクールやオンラインでの国際交流も盛んです。 日常的に刺激を受けることが多いため、生徒たちは自然な場面で英語を使って自分の考えなどを発信ができています。 クラス全体として、お互いに成長し、学び合うことができたことは、本当に有意義で楽しい経験となりました。2年生も引き続きGコースを担当しますが、日々の学びをさらなる成長につなげて参ります。 【P先生のコメント】 To be assigned as a co-Homeroom teacher to the junior Global Course class is truly one of the best experiences I've had in my entire teaching career. From working alongside a supportive and experienced Japanese teacher to establishing good relationship with our dear students, it has helped me grow in more ways than I could've imagined. The Global Course class exists to encourage students to go beyond language and cultural differences through the use of English all while embracing their own. In our class, we try our best to make everyone feel that they can do this by providing every student plenty of opportunities to express themselves and find out who they are and what they want to achieve. Our daily classroom speeches and teacher-student counseling allowed us to work consistently on this goal. Moreover, our students are able to cultivate a strong sense of determination and an open mind when it comes to learning the language. In their Immersion classes, they are able to view English as a language that can actually be used in their daily life and activities. Through these lessons, students get to naturally interact in English and enjoy working on tasks individually and as a team. All in all, with support and guidance from their teachers and classmates, our students are able to use English actively and experience a more fulfilling school life, having a positive mindset towards their learning goals and challenges in general. We are also indebted to the unwavering support of our dear parents for cooperating with the school in its global initiative. Despite its own challenges, the Global Course continues to thrive and will hopefully continue to grow in the coming years. |